Wednesday 4 June 2014

The 2 Most Successful Factors to Quit Smoking for Good

The 2 Most Successful Factors to Quit Smoking for Good

Taking the steps to decide that you want to quit smoking is a huge commitment.  The dedication that is needed is absolutely essential to your success and can often be one of the only factors that will determine how successful you are.  If you find that you are struggling to quit smoking you are certainly not alone, seeking out appropriate help is always key to finding success in your quest to quit smoking.  Looking around at all of the excuses, reasons, purposes and methods that pertain to quitting smoking there are generally two very large factors that will determine your overall success.  Without these two factors you will almost always fail, with them you will typically walk away a successful non-smoker.

Your first critical success factor will be being determined to quit for your own reasons.  This means you need to decide for yourself that you want to quit.  Having the idea to quit smoking forced upon you will generally not work out well for yourself.  You have to decide all on your own that you are ready to quit smoking, this dedication to stop smoking will often be a huge driving force in your battle against cigarettes and you will probably need to pull strength from your decision.  Additionally, as everyone around you is asking why you want to quit, a good answer that you believe in will help you to resolve your determination each time you answer.

This might sound like nothing more than an excuse, but actually deciding for yourself that you want to quit is a huge boost to your mental approach.  If you approach quitting smoking with the idea that someone else is forcing you, then often you will make small mistakes that can sabotage your efforts.  You may not recognize these errors, but they are typically there.  Approaching the task of quitting smoking on your own will ensure that you are setting out to be successful and quit for good.  Those who quit for the reasons of someone else typically quit for only a short period of time.  Those who quit for themselves are the people who quit for good.

Your second critical success factor will be your actual approach.  If you approach the task of quitting smoking with the confidence that you will succeed no matter what, you will find that your determination is much stronger.  This increased determination can be very helpful as you are trying to fight off those late night cravings, or even the times when the urge to smoke appears and nobody is around to help you through it.  As a smoker, there are plenty of times when you will need your own self-control to really pull you through.  This comes from having the confidence to know that you can succeed.

If you merely approach quitting smoking with an attitude that you think you can quit, you will be sending yourself mixed signals.  These can create huge problems for yourself as you are struggling to maintain the self-control that is necessary to quit successfully.  Pulling your strength from yourself is very important.  Without the determination that you can in fact do this, you will fall into the temptation to smoke again much easier.  It is not a simple task to quit smoking, many people struggle for years to quit fully.  
Believing that you can quit smoking at some point is what will be a driving factor in your success.  The longer it takes to quit smoking the more likely you are to actually lose your determination.  This can spell disaster very quickly.  Keeping your determination strong starts from within, you need to be able to justify to yourself, your harshest critic exactly why you want to quit smoking.  The people in your family who are there for support are just for backup support.  You are your own best cheerleader and celebrating the small victories that you accomplish is very important to your success.  If you take the time to really stretch your confidence you will be in a great position to quit for good.

Hidden Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Hidden Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Looking to gain the biggest benefits that you can out of your goal to quit smoking is not insane, rather it is a good idea.  Knowing exactly what is in store for you as you attempt to quit will help to keep you encouraged, plus it can be a great reminder about exactly why you set out on the adventure of stopping smoking when the going gets tough.  Making sure that you are most benefit possible is not only a wise idea, but it can also serve a huge benefit of ensuring that you take full advantage of the improvement in your lifestyle.

One of the biggest benefits comes in your health.  You can decrease your risk of lung cancer, heart disease, heart attack, stroke and even high blood pressure to name just a few of the health problems that are experienced by smokers.  While the time that it takes to decrease the risks vary, you should start to see an improvement in your health very quickly.  This can be highly encouraging since you will be able to breathe better as you workout to stay in great physical health.

Money is another fabulous reason to quit smoking.  With the average cost of smoking up to over $1,800 a year for a single pack a day habit, you are looking at a lot of money just burned away.  Keeping the money in your pocket can do a lot for your budget.  It could even mean the difference between being able to buy that incredible sports car that you have had your eye on.  You might even decide to drop the money into a savings account and really get the maximum benefit, regardless of your choice you are going to be happy to hang onto the money, rather than burn it up.

Other benefits can include being able to keep your house, car and clothes smelling better.  Everyone knows that cigarettes have a bad smell, and those who do not smoke can really pick up the smell.  As your desire to smoke goes away, your desire to smell good will increase.  This can lead to a complete top to bottom cleaning that will put you in a great mood.  If you quit in the spring you could just consider it your yearly spring cleaning spurt.  You will definitely love the increased sense of smell though, after all those gorgeous flowers in the yard will now have a reason to exist beyond just looking pretty.

The ultimate benefit that you will experience is your expected life span will be increased.  What is better than finding the fountain of youth?  Just by stopping smoking, you can significantly increase the amount of time that you are expected to live.  This combined with the health benefits that quitting smoking offers you could find that you are looking at adding as much as 10 years onto your life.  This is something that is absolutely huge, and just by quitting smoking as well.  Most who discover just how much they can add to their life are absolutely shocked, but taking care of yourself and quitting smoking for good is a great benefit that you will certainly appreciate when you are older and enjoying those added years.  Do not be afraid to live your life to the fullest, after you quit smoking you will have plenty of energy for a lot of great new activities that you can enjoy for years.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Working to Save Your Health – One Cigarette at a Time

Working to Save Your Health – One Cigarette at a Time

Attempting to quit smoking is never easy; working to reduce your intake of cigarettes as well as actually quitting fully is always a hard process.  If you have tried to quit cold turkey before, you have probably experienced a large number of problems.  This is one of the hardest methods to quit smoking that there really is.  This can really make the process of quitting smoking so much harder than it really is.  If you have struggled to quit cold turkey before, there is still help available to you.  Simply having trouble quitting smoking immediately does not mean that you are doomed to smoke forever.

If you are aware that you have had problems in the past quitting you are ahead when it comes to the next attempt.  Being fully aware of your problems will enable you to create a plan to combat the complications that you experienced.  For example, if you find that you are far too interested in smoking to just quit fully you might need to approach the process of quitting in a different manner.  One of the most successful options you could pursue is quitting slowly.

Quitting all at once may be something that you are not capable of doing.  This is not uncommon at all; in fact, many people have great difficulty if they attempt to quit cold turkey.  If you take your time and quit slowly you will find that the process of quitting goes much easier.  Slowly cutting out a few cigarettes each day will allow you to slowly decrease the amount of cigarettes that you smoke, without feeling as if you are completely suffering.

One of the most important things to remember if you are quitting slowly is you need to occupy your time during the period when you are typically smoking.  If you have elected to skip smoking at specific times, you need to ensure you stay busy during these times.   This would mean finding a way to keep your mind occupied that will not involve keeping your hands idle, after all if your hands are idle you are much more likely to slip up and smoke again.

If you find that you have a very strong temptation to smoke during these times, you need to create a specific task that you will do whenever the urge is strong to smoke.  Looking into nicotine gum or possibly even chewing regular gum may be all of the help that you need to avoid the temptation to smoke when you are most tempted.  Regardless of how quickly you are trying to smoke, you should always cut out no more than two cigarettes a day until you have established a successful pattern.

If you have gone a week with the reduction of two cigarettes successfully, it would then be time to decrease another two cigarettes.  Going slow will allow you to easily see the point where you start to have serious problems, but at the same time build up your self-control.  In the very least, you will begin to see improvements in your health due to the decrease of cigarettes that you are smoking still.  Of course, as everyone knows, it is much better to simply quit smoking fully, but this is not always possible for everyone.

Making sure that you are successful the next time you attempt to quit smoking is going to involve a great amount of commitment on your part.  Additionally, it will also take a serious desire for you to actually quit and improve your health.  If you are merely working at quitting slowly you need to be aware of the potential problems and ready to take control of your habits in order to effectively make new habits that will set you up for a much healthier lifestyle.  Avoiding the bad habits that smoking causes is certainly not easy; taking the time to really grasp at the small benefits that you start to achieve is critical to success and will find you in much better health.

7 Tips to Controlling Your Urge to Smoke

 7 Tips to Controlling Your Urge to Smoke

Trying to quit smoking is a very lengthy process.  This can take a very long period of time such as several years, or it could be something much shorter like only a few weeks or months.  The exact time frame that it takes to quit can vary greatly but what is important is ensuring that you are coming up with a plan to combat your urges to smoke.  At some point in your experience trying to quit you will encounter a situation where the urge to smoke is very strong.  How you handle this situation will go a long way towards your ultimate success.  Being prepared for the urge to smoke will ensure that you have a plan to keep your willpower strong and continue on your path to quit smoking successfully.

Tip 1.  Take the time to decide exactly when you typically smoke.  For example, after meals, after a jog around the block, or even after your shower each morning.  Knowing when you typically smoke will put you in a good position to create a plan to combat the urge.

Tip 2.  Create a plan of attack.  This could be something as simple as a stress ball for your hands, or even just a piece of hard candy to keep your mouth busy.  If you really enjoy the taste and feeling of a clean mouth you could try brushing your teeth each time you want to smoke, or suck on a mint flavored candy, which will freshen your breath.

Tip 3.  Avoid the temptations that lurk.  If you go out to eat, make sure you are sitting in the no smoking area.  Avoid going into tobacco stores, and also try to limit the amount of time you are around other smokers.  If you are continuously around cigarettes, it will be much harder to resist temptation.

Tip 4.  Clean your house of all smoking instruments.  This means all ashtrays, lighters, matches and get rid of the smell of cigarettes.  Products like Febreeze are great for helping to get rid of cigarette smell, which can also trigger an urge to smoke. 

Tip 5.  If you have a place where you typically smoke when you are at home, think about rearranging the area.  If you are able to break the routine of the situation, you will be able to resist temptation much better.  This works best if you always are in the habit of smoking in the exact same place, such as a living room looking out a window.  If you move the chair to a different area of the room, or refocus the center of the room then you can help to avoid the temptation to smoke whenever you are sitting in the chair looking out the window.
Tip 6.  Write down your goal to quit smoking.  This may seem like a minor detail but in reality, it can go a very long way towards ensuring that you keep your priority to quit smoking at the top of your agenda.  If you just tell yourself that you want to quit smoking, you are more likely to cheat and ultimately give into the urge to light up again.  If you have written your goal down, you are going to be more likely to actually follow it.  This goes for quitting smoking, losing weight, changing your exercise routine or anything else.  Written down goals can improve accountability significantly.

Tip 7.  Do not discount yourself.  If you are absolutely certain that you can succeed you will be much more capable of the success that you need.  It is important to believe that you can succeed.  This will help you to stay strong anytime a serious urge kicks in.  If you decide to slip up consciously, you are going to find it is much harder to gain back any slack that you have cut for yourself.  However, if you hold fast to your dedication to quit smoking you will find that each time you have an urge it is easier to handle.

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